New Podcast Appearance
It was such a pleasure speaking with Dr. Grace Yum of Mommy Dentists in Business about how parents can start tricky conversations with...

What Porn Does to Teen Brains—and How to Keep It Off Their Devices
Here's a topic that comes up regularly in my work: talking with kids about porn exposure-- a subject that makes lots of parents queasy....

What Is a Teenage Girl?
Don't miss this beautiful piece that touches on everything from periods, sexting, politics, and (especially) embracing the deep emotions...

How to Talk to Your Middle-Schooler (So They Might Actually Listen to You)
Raising a middle schooler? Here's a great piece on how to stay connected and keep them talking. Hint: the answer is not to pepper them...

How Parents Are Robbing Their Children of Adulthood
While very different from the extreme measures taken by the parents involved in the college admissions scandal, the grey areas of...

Celebrities, Wealthy Parents Charged by FBI in College Admissions Scheme
Just encourage your kids to work hard and to be their authentic selves. They will survive, even if they don't get into a highly selective...

Girl Power Time!
I am SO excited to be a part of this upcoming workshop series for tween girls. Click on the pic for more details!

Top 6 Tips for Parenting Tween Boys
These are great tips for parenting boys as they enter adolescence. Especially Tip #4. I'm here to say that Tip #4 is critical!

X-Plan: Giving Your Kids a Way Out (#xplan)
Many friends have shared this great post. Does anyone else have an #xplan equivalent that you are willing to share? By the way, if you...

Growing Up In a Pornified Culture
I had the opportunity to see Gail Dines speak last night. Parents, if you haven't already educated yourselves on the topic of raising...