Don’t Lose Human Connection Amidst COVID-19 Catastrophe
What are YOU doing to stay connected during this pandemic? It's no surprise to me that some of the greatest wisdom comes from teens...

Online Mental Health Conference for Teens
This Online Conference was designed BY teens, FOR teens, and I am honored to have been asked to participate. Please share this with your...

How Can Parents Help Teach Generation Z Teens About Living in Uncertain Times?
Great advice from psychotherapist Susan Zinn on helping teens cope with the stress of this pandemic.

Helping Teens Make Room for Uncomfortable Emotions
Having trouble watching your teen's emotional ups and downs during lockdown? This piece will help.

Is There Actually a Link Between Vaping and Coronavirus?
Lately, I have found myself worrying about teens who are frequent Juulers (vapers/ e-cigarette users) and whether this habit would lead...

Dads of Daughters! Registration Now Open
Join me for this unique workshop just for dads of daughters. Click on the image to link to Eventbrite for more info and to register.

Juul Bought Ads Appearing on Cartoon Network and Other Youth Site, Suit Claims
A new case against Juul Labs was brought by the state of Massachusetts yesterday, further elucidating Juul's predatory behavior in its...

Teens Find a Big Loophole in the New Flavored Vaping Ban
I have been hearing from teens about Puffs (one of the brands of disposable e-cigarettes discussed in this article) for several months...

Parents Can Help Their Sleep-Deprived Teens
Hey parents! A new study from the University of Rochester showed that better enforcement of parent-set bedtimes for teens ages 14-17 are...

Parenting a Sporty Teen? Join us on 1/31/20!
I'm excited to team up again with Kirsten Jones for a revamped version of our seminar on Raising Athletes. Many of you attended our past...