Whatever You Do, Don't Let Your Snapstreak End Tonight
A digital conversation starter for you and your teens: "How many Snapstreaks do you have?" Here's an article that describes the lengths...

Does Porn Hurt Children?
This topic keeps coming up in each an every one of my parenting seminars, so I dug up this piece from 2014. Figuring out the right...

To Keep Teens Safe Online, They Need to Learn to Manage Risks
Monitoring and restriction are not a substitute for education and conversations. (Lots and lots of conversations.) "If we want to help...

Growing Up In a Pornified Culture
I had the opportunity to see Gail Dines speak last night. Parents, if you haven't already educated yourselves on the topic of raising...

Tweens and Teens Dating In the Digital Age
Are teens using hookup apps? How has dating changed in the digital world? Here are some statistics and food for thought.

What Keeps Kids Up At Night? It Could Be Their Cellphone
Is anyone surprised? Get those devices out of the bedrooms at night. Your rooms too, parents!

Why Prosecuting a Teen Girl for Sexting Is Absurd
Child pornography laws were designed to protect minors, but until the courts and legal system figure this out, we REALLY need to talk to...

How Social Media Is a Toxic Mirror
It's not just celebrities and supermodels that are digitally altered. Now our kids are studying their friends' altered images on social...

Teens Who Say No to Social Media
While I spend considerable time on social media, my 13-year-old has zero interest. The irony is not lost on him. Apparently, he has good...

What's the Right Age to Give a Child a Smartphone?
What is the big rush? Parents of the younger set, please read this piece by Brian X. Chen via The New York Times before giving your kids...