Conversation About Kids and Porn with Common Sense Media
It was such a pleasure taking part in this important discussion, on the heels of Common Sense Media's new research on Teens and Porn. I...

New Common Sense Media Report on Teens and Pornography
Common Sense Media just released the results of their survey of 1358 teens, ages 13-17, about their experience with online pornography. ...

Three-Quarters of Teenagers Have Seen Online Pornography by Age 17
Here's a great review, from The NY Times, of Common Sense Media's new report on Teens and Pornography.

Talking with Teens and Preteens About Pornography
Ready to talk about porn with your kids? Here are some healthy tips and scripts from Common Sense Media.

What Porn Does to Teen Brains—and How to Keep It Off Their Devices
Here's a topic that comes up regularly in my work: talking with kids about porn exposure-- a subject that makes lots of parents queasy....

Control the Scroll: Managing Social Media and Mental Health
Thanksgiving break is a great time to hit the reset button on social media and family screen use. It was such a pleasure participating in...

The Upside to Screen Time
I hear so much guilt and worry from parents about their kids' pandemic screen time. While boundaries and lots and lots of conversations...

Remote School as the Gateway Drug to Social Media
While I don't love the slightly alarming title here, this is a topic of concern among many of the parents that I work with. So many...

LIKE the movie
Please join me at Paul Revere for a screening of the documentary film LIKE, followed by a panel discussion. This is a thought-provoking...

“HEY, WYD?”: Inside Teen Sexting
This is a truly fantastic piece on sexting, from Girls Leadership. Parents often have a difficult time discussing this topic with their...