STD Rates In US Reach Record High, Says CDC
Preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control show that the number of sexually transmitted infections in the US continued to...

Getting ‘Consent’ for Sex Is Too Low a Bar
Talking with teens about sex should be about so much more than just STD's, unwanted pregnancy, and the legal definition of consent. Here...

Teach Teens Communication Skills, Not Abstinence, in Sex Education Classes
There is so much more to discuss than just abstinence and STI's. Communication is key, and something that we can start teaching well...

What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn
Here's an eye-opening piece on teens and porn. Parents, buckle your seatbelts and read on. The technology and easy access to online...

Don't Talk to Your Sons About Sex -- Talk to Them About This Instead
Let's change the script for boys-- they deserve meaningful conversations about sex. "Teenage boys are inherently capable of having rich...

How Technology Changes Teen Romance
I'm adding this to the Adolessons required reading list. This topic is so near and dear to my heart. We MUST start having more open...

Understand Consent With the Help of Stick Figures and a Cup of Tea
The topic of consent came up the other day, so I am revisiting the cup of tea video. (language/ F-bomb alert, but it's hilarious and...

How to Talk Openly With Your Kids About Sex
American sex ed has a long way to go. I like the way this topic is approached in the Netherlands, where children are taught about...

14 Things You Must Teach Your Son About Sex
Check out Andrew P. Smiler, Author's fantastic guideline for conversations about sex with your son (or daughter!!!). Note, that's...

Growing Up In a Pornified Culture
I had the opportunity to see Gail Dines speak last night. Parents, if you haven't already educated yourselves on the topic of raising...