'Boys & Sex' Reveals That Young Men Feel 'Cut Off From Their Hearts'
"We don't really have the luxury, in this current culture, of silence. Because if we don't talk to our kids, the media is going to...

Talk to Your Kids About Porn
Parents, this is a fantastic piece about a subject I repeatedly deal with in my ADOLESSONS work-- kids seeing porn before they have real...

Porn Is Not the Worst Thing On Musical.ly.
This smart piece blows the lid off the misconception that kids with "private" accounts are somehow protected from the full range of...

What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn
Here's an eye-opening piece on teens and porn. Parents, buckle your seatbelts and read on. The technology and easy access to online...

How Technology Changes Teen Romance
I'm adding this to the Adolessons required reading list. This topic is so near and dear to my heart. We MUST start having more open...

Does Porn Hurt Children?
This topic keeps coming up in each an every one of my parenting seminars, so I dug up this piece from 2014. Figuring out the right...

Growing Up In a Pornified Culture
I had the opportunity to see Gail Dines speak last night. Parents, if you haven't already educated yourselves on the topic of raising...

Why More Teen Girls Are Getting Genital Plastic Surgery
In recent years, I noticed a new trend in my clinical practice. During pap smears and pelvic exams, older teens and young women...